21 March 2016

The Industrialist's Dilemma: Thomas Tull, Legendary Pictures (video)

The Industrialist's Dilemma Session 9: Thomas Tull, Legendary Pictures - The way people spend their free time today is fundamentally changing how individuals watch movies and television. Consumers have substantively more options for consuming video with the advent of Netflix, YouTube and other social media, said Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas Tull.

"On the theatrical side this is becoming a winner takes all business. The films that are breaking out are doing better than ever. And the films that come out, even if they have a star, even if they have a lot of money behind them, that's not a shield against them going to almost zero. And that is a very, very different experience than when I first started in this business in 2004."

During his visit to The Industrialist's Dilemma class on March 10, 2016, Thomas discussed with Lecturers Robert Siegel and Aaron Levie, amongst other things, how Legendary is responding to these changes and using data to be more effective in its marketing and advertising to target audiences in order to yield better results. Read more takeaways from the talk on Twitter: http://stanford.io/indusdilemma. (Published on Mar 15, 2016)

The Industrialist's Dilemma course explores how digital disruptions are having tectonic shifts on large, successful and established companies, whether they have a digital foundation or not. Learn more: http://stanford.io/1TPZuyZ

Previous sessions:
Session 1 with Stripe CEO Patrick Collison and Session 2 with Enjoy CEO Ron Johnson
Session 3 with Nest CEO Tony Fadell
Session 4 with 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki
Session 5 with Kaiser Permanente CEO Bernard Tyson
Session 6 with VIA CEO Charlie Scharf
The Industrialist's Dilemma, Session 8, Beth Comstock, GE (video)

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